Thursday, April 22, 2010

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"La procura della Federcalcio chiede al Tribunale di Napoli di acquisire «tutto il materiale probatorio prodotto dalle parti, ogettodi perizia che potrà essere disposta dal Tribunale».
Le squadre sottoinchiesta sono Inter , Milan , Palermo , Roma , Chievo , Livorno e tutte lealtre emerse dalle nuove intercettazioni.

A via Allegri sfilata estivadi dirigenti chiamati a rispondere sulle telefonate rimaste nascosteper quattro anni.

Tra gli altri, Moratti , Pradè , Cellino , Campedelli e Ayroldi .

ROMA, 21 aprile - La procura della Federcalcio ha aperto un'altra indagine su Calciopoli, in riferimento «al nuovo filone di intercettazioni», e chiede al Tribunale di Napoli di acquisire "All the evidence produced by the parties, objects of expertise chepotrà be ordered by the Court."

In the next hours, the prosecutor Stefano Palazzi will send a formal request to the President of the Ninth Criminal Chamber of the Court of Naples TeresaCasoria, thus launching the investigation with reference to the new line of interception.

teams under investigation are Inter Milan, Palermo, Roma Chievo, Livorno and other companies that emerged from the new wiretapping.

After reading and studying the transcripts chesaranno available between late May and early June, Palaces and latask force set up in these days should cover the hearings.

via Allegri A parade of summer arispondere leaders called on the phone remained hidden for four years.

Moratti, Prada, Cellino, Campedelli, Spinelli, Spalletti, the 'referee Ayroldi licensed and all involved in various capacities in new scandal.

also remember that hangs over this process the cleaver unethical prescription : sporting rule for all crimes committed after June 30, 2005 are prescribed, in respect of licensed .

Even just two years the limitation period for the club incolpabilità. In recent weeks, the outbreak of scandal, however, the federal president Abete had asked for clarity on what happened and the fact that for a revocation of the license on the assumption eventualedecisione 2006, would then also have to intervene politically "motivated with a prescription."

Palaces If, in fact, that the inquiry will come to life and speed in recent weeks, will consider findings of violations of ethical norms (art. 1) in the contact between players and referees appointed or, at the time, you may proceed at least for the revocation of the license awarded to Inter in 2006, precisely because of the alleged (by the Special Commissioner Rossi) made a complete estrangement Inter 'less clear. "

(Source: Tuttosport)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

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Yet another phone call ...

Bergamo talk Facchetti referee De Santis :

" I was happy."

The race of which we speak is of Juve-Inter 0-1 20/4/2005 .

" The match with Juventus was well prepared .

Thus the former arbitration designator Paolo Bergamo former Inter president Giacinto Facchetti in a passage of the phone call, one of 74 that has been sought by the acquisition Moggi's defense to the Court of Naples in the process Calciopoli, April 2005.

The two talk about race Juventus-Inter 0-1 end of April 2005 arbitrated by Massimo De Santis.

Bergamo: "I'm getting the game tomorrow and I've taken a lot to the game against Juventus, the game had been well prepared ... De Santis on the other hand ... he must think about the world. .. can not think of other stories ... so I was happy in that game ..."..

Facchetti: "We must now take back immediately."

Bergamo: "I then I wanted to make a jump to Milano... di farti vedere delle cose per il prossimo anno, è di interesse vostro... vorrei lasciare le cose sistemate bene... magari ti do una telefonata ".

Facchetti : "Quando vuoi... e auguri per il tuo compleanno anche se in ritardo".

Bergamo : "Ma figurati ciao..."..

Facchetti: "Ciao.. ciao"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

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Ecco la «madre di tutte le intercettazioni».
Secondo Paolo Trofino, legale di Moggi, questa telefonata che risale al 26 novembre 2004 è la dimostrazione che non solo l’ex direttore generale della Juventus, but also others - in this case, the then president of Inter, Giacinto Facchetti - spoke with grid designators.

Paolo Bergamo "Hyacinth".
Giacinto Facchetti : "Paul, good morning"
Bergamo: "Hello how are you?"
Facchetti: "Well do you?"
Bergamo: "I feel happy ... These difficulties are still ... "
Facchetti:" Look, for Sunday then? "
Bergamo:" Listen to Sunday we do a group because we do not want international to risk anything so I'm four, all four can make a lot '
Facchetti: "Put in some ..."
Bergamo " Hill, all international Giacinto, so at least not there discussion. Hill's inside, Paparesta's inside, and there inside Rodomonti Bertini. They are all international and we avoided that there were too many young people, for example, even though Trefoloni is doing well but I prefer to leave the second round and then we have nothing else, frankly, because after these four ... Messina does not give me more guarantees on a game so hard ...».
Facchetti: "Why is not ...?»
Bergamo:" It's just not right. Every time we try it in big games, too Last year I tried it in Milan-Rome, has done evil. It's a little 'exhaust because a professional is now put aside so now we have to speak, must find more strength, more determination. "
Facchetti: "But he is not in first class."
Bergamo: "Yes, but is temporarily in his place because he takes Rosetti expectations, she is young is doing so well ..."
Facchetti: "With Bertini we also had some problems last year in Turin and also in some other game we had some problems with Bertini."
Bergamo: "But if, unfortunately, was never speaks to us indeed, if anything ... What can I say? ".
Facchetti: "I wanted to tell you '
Bergamo: " You did good. "
Facchetti: "Any problem we had in their Juve-Inter '
Bergamo: " I remember in Perugia. "
Facchetti: "A resounding Perugia and Turin with Juventus last year there too."
Bergamo: "What's that?".
Facchetti: "There was that their goal was offside because the goalie was out and did not see that there was only one player back."
Bergamo: "But what is the server, Hyacinth, it is difficult for the referee gives offside if the server you're dead wrong, unfortunately."
Facchetti: "And then we had a certain type of people ... I know all the players were angry, Moratti himself. Also this year we had ... were not very happy ... Are arbitrage ...».
Bergamo: "Wait only a moment because I put a curiosity, then you did Inter-Palermo 1-1. With him? "
(Source: The Journal)

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" Dear Elkann, I frankly surprising to read the columns of the Corriere della Sera of his resentment against those who have accused Juventus, which she conducted one-way during Calciopoli, it has been an active part in formulating and accept his sentence.
Elkann You see, when you're on the side of truth and when you have the responsibility of an honest story of the dignity of fifteen hundred years and millions of fans who have been at Juventus clothed yourselves and of his victories have enjoyed with their families, then we have a moral obligation to address the injustices and lies, courage and sacrifice, as the personal and professional history of those who write testimonials.
Remember that before beginning the process of sports, you probably are not too surprised by what was happening and turned towards the glorious future which now sports the white fans welcomed, given recent national and international success that the new leadership has been able to collect, had already decided to abandon me and Giraudo to our fate, refusing to defend and indeed, even worse, instructing his lawyer to accept passively any decision. Yet his instincts
suicides had not yet died down if it is true, how true, that after the presentation of the appeal to the TAR, in September 2006 to set aside the judgments, sports and the suspension of the season pending a more just and equitable process, she decides that this action went withdrawn and that the decisions of the Federation but complained of did not go slavishly accepted by the public thanks to Blatter Montezemolo!
On the second line of investigation, namely the alleged foreign Sim called Calciopoli 2, Juventus, on this occasion assisted by Franzo Grande Stevens, rather than defend themselves, as I have effectively done, he preferred negotiate and pay € 300 000!

Not a mind lively and unpredictable as that of Alfred Hitchcock would have imagined that the victim of a plot
could become a hit with theater itself guilty ... But she is successful, the process of Turin.
In the comic (if not so tragic ...) each, Juventus conduct by you, you are not only limited to not defend herself and the leaders who have truly served for 13 years of success and victories "zero cost" - as they say its marketing experts during the launch of a new car - but even accused me and Giraudo and Bettega (why not?) of misconduct in the economic-managerial, then promptly denied by a careful examination by the court. Remember that the absolution applies to you as a conviction.
I read that in a statement the company Juventus' hopes that the institutions and organs of justice will ensure equal treatment for all, as indeed the company and its lawyers demanded in the course of sports in 2006 (! ). She Elkann, with its unexpected and tardy repentance this reminds me of the Unnamed Betrothed, who after a night of suffering moral and existential decides to repent and make a positive change to his life. Of course one would wonder where it is was and what he did and read these long four years, only to realize now that Juventus, the healthy and successful of the trio, has been vilified and humiliated unjustly accused by evidence besides partial and contradictory.
I also ask what it means when he speaks of "equal treatment that the defense would ask the Company during the sport." Certainly not having successfully proposed the demotion, revocation of league titles won honestly in the field, the sell-off of a list of world-class players and the strengthening of Inter promotional costs!
to think evil is a sin, but often find the truth and who knows if behind that his repentance is not an attempt to divert attention from the disasters that sports your enlightened management has been able to give the fans. Want to see what the hell is going back again Moggi useful to you and to Juve after years of court battles and suffering lonely?
Luciano Moggi "

(source: my dear friend Juventus Gianfilippo Maradei)

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acts emerged in recent days were available for the Football Association when had not spent the time to extinction of a possible crime

Getting ready: the deputy chief of federal prosecutors, the deputy military prosecutor Gioacchino Trovatore colleague Stefano Palazzi also charged in the higher judiciary with the stars and he greatly admired, Alessandro Avagliano lawyer, Deputy Public Prosecutor FIGC, both incorporated in the coming superpower of attorney from the Prosecutor's Office Buildings are continuing to expand the file open date antiprescrizione protocol (in the event of revocation of the process sports 30 days from March 30 when sprouted interceptions old-new) and now includes everything that did show up newspapers, TV, radio and Internet sites of transcription by Nicola Penta.

SPORTS LAW ON FRAUD - In Procura e in Figc dicono di attendere la giornata di oggi (ieri) con la richiesta di trascrizione e deposito delle intercettazioni decrittate come momento decisivo. In realtà stando alla legge 401 sulla frode sportiva, a prescindere dal fatto che la giudice Casoria le ritenga rilevanti dal punto di vista del processo penale in corso, i pm potrebbero già fornirle alla Procura federale. A prescindere, dicevamo. Anche se, a dire il vero, i legali della Figc quelle bobine e quell’hard disk dovrebbero averlo a disposizione da molti mesi: sì, perché la Federcalcio è da sempre parte del processo napoletano.

Parte civile accettata dal gup De Gregorio il 18 marzo 2008, dopo che l’avvocato Milella su mandato di Abete ne aveva fatto richiesta il 15 dicembre 2007 in udienza.

DISPONIBILE DAL GENNAIO 2009 - E il fascicolo completo a disposizione di tutti e da dove la difesa di Moggi sta facendo emergere le altre telefonate nel mazzo impressionante di 171 mila è disponibile dalle prime udienze del processo istruito davanti alla nona sezione e che ha preso il via il 19 gennaio 2009. Tra l’altro poco influisce a riguardo la decisione della giudice Casoria di estromettere le parti civili dal rito il 24 marzo 2009 per doverle poi riammetterle il 9 luglio ultimo scorso dopo il pronunciamento contrario della Cassazione.

RICORSO INOPPORTUNO - Ripercorrere l’almanacco del processo penale è utile because it can be a useful pretext for those who want to avoid the inappropriate use of prescription in cases of illegal and otherwise serious sports punishable with vulnus doubt the sense of justice in Italian football (punished Juventus, AC Milan, Lazio, Fiorentina, Reggina and Arezzo only because the police had transcribed those calls in 2006?): these acts had surfaced in the hours of availability Figc when the prescription was not taken for the members and perhaps even earlier. Since spruce recalled that for the previous and current code made up to June 30, 2005 are prescribed "by June 30, 2007 to June 30, 2009 and the club for the members."

(Source: Tuttosport - Alvaro Moretti)

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A 'gift' by the Inter president, Massimo Moratti, the former arbitration designator Paolo Bergamo, probably because of the Christmas period.

is the first of other phone calls transcribed by the defenders of Luciano Moggi of which has been asked today (yesterday) the acquisition by the Court of Naples where he is celebrating the day of the trial to Calciopoli.

interception is December 23, 2004 Bergamo and called the former head of Inter Giacinto Facchetti .

Facchetti "If you call Moratti ... I've been there too ... we talked to him yesterday."

Bergamo: "I have no more than his number, if you give it me ... In fact ... remember we talked about. " Facchetti: "Yes ... if you go by because he wanted to here one day ...».

Bergamo: "But where, in Forte?"

Facchetti: "In the office, no no to Milan if you happen to come down because he was there to give you a present."

Bergamo: "I wanted to hear it so indeed I also like to meet him, to meet, in short to do so a few thoughts together. "

Facchetti: "All right."

Bergamo: "It's a situation that I'd really like to help you straighten it ... in short, the team does not deserve the position he ...».

Facchetti: "They were incredible twelve draws ...».

(Source: Tuttosport)

Monday, April 12, 2010

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few days after the disappointment against Chievo, a goal annulled for a doubtful offside Vieri 22 January 2005, the former designator Paolo Bergamo reassures Giacinto Facchetti in view of the Italian Cup quarter-final against Atalanta in Bergamo: "Tonight we Palanca ..." said Facchetti, Bergamo and replies: "You'll see that you'll make a better game, it'll make a better game .. . you'll see ... '. Inter will win the game 1-0 thanks to a goal by Martins, in a race that did not generate controversy.

is an excerpt from one of the many phone calls intercepted in the investigation of the judiciary on the defense of Calciopoli Luciano Moggi has been transcribed.
Facchetti is calling Bergamo and, before the game against Atalanta, the two comment on Inter-Chievo played the first five days and finished 1-1. After that
President Moratti for a protest to Vieri goal annulled for offside by a linesman signaled.
"Our society - Moratti says January 23, the day after the meeting - has been wronged, has been damaged."

On 27 January 2005 episode talk Facchetti and Bergamo. The latter explains that
Paparesta not responsible for the decision to cancel the goal. This is the transcript of the call made by the defense of Moggi:
Bergamo - Hyacinth!
Facchetti - Hello Paolo Bergamo
- How are you?
Facchetti - Well I called you yesterday ..
Bergamo - Ieri..mi dispiace..
Facchetti - Eh ma forse quando c'era la partita in corso..
Bergamo - Ah ieri sera sì, ieri e oggi ci siamo dedicati alla Coppa Italia sì..
Facchetti - Eh niente volevo salutarti poi ho visto domenica, io non lo sapevo che il Presidente Moratti il giorno dopo aveva tirato fuori stà storia dell'arbitro..
Bergamo - No, ma non ti preoccupare Giacinto, il Presidente quando ha voglia di parlare lo fa..
Facchetti - Sì sì, ma era stato Ricci a sbagliare, Paparesta ha preso la decisione su questo..
Bergamo - Ma sai qui quando si lamenta il Presidente ha sempre ragione, l'importante è che non dia alibi ai giocatori..
Facchetti - Sì sì no no infatti..
Bergamo - Capito? Perchè Paparesta cosa doveva fare? Lì ha sbagliato Ricci e..
Facchetti - Infatti lui ha guardato di là quindi..
Bergamo - Anzi Paparesta ha fatto una buona partita, purtroppo era preparato a farla bene, proprio su tutto... il massimo..
Facchetti - Siamo tutti a Bergamo!

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Meani - Bergamo April 2005 (before the famous Milan - Juventus 0-1)
Meaney: "You who sent me to Florence?".
Bergamo: "As the grid? You say that like grid of referees? We did a 3 but I do say one thing with Gigi (Pairetto other designator) we have not yet agreed ... I plan to put three because I do not want foreclosures and the arbitrators are Messina, Farina and Rodomonti for me , then we hear Gigi because then figure out what are the three I want put the following Sunday ... (the "grid" for Milan-Juventus, ed).
Meaney: «Ho capito, tu vuoi mettere Paparesta...».
Bergamo : «Si».
Meani : «Collina...».
Bergamo : «Si».
Meani : «Trefoloni».
Bergamo : «Sissignore, e mi ci gioco la testa...».
Meani : «Però a Trefoloni gli fai un bel discorsetto...».
Bergamo : «Stai tranquillo, stai tranquillo...».
Meani: «Perchè se no gli tagliamo la testa noi...».
Bergamo : «Stai tranquillo...».
Meani: «Se no chiamalo e parlagli...».

Meaney called Bergamo April 28, 2005

M. But do not send nor Ivaldi nor Pisacreta eh? Inventane another ..

B . Oh no, I'll have to invent two, I've got Mitro, Mitro is doing well, we will have to invent one and will not be the torches.

M. will not be easy but you c. .. that or do you care, send him Griselli not? E 'number 2 you have all the excuses in the world .. A thing you c. .. do you care.

B. Eh, good but now ... here is me re a step at a time.

M. A Florence man who did you think of me?

B. In Florence, I have not looks to me takes me after dinner. Stagnoli with you how did you find us?

M. Well, with foil, but if you want to put that one with us and went to well Ambrosino, came to us two or three Sundays ago, it can also be good I do not know if you have one in gray glia what you think. .

B. No, no one is going to be there, is a lawyer.

M. I foil and van Ambrosino no good ..

B. Ayroldi no eh?

M. Ayroldi yes, it's a bit 'which is not.

B. Are you sure it is at least one if that is not me?

M. Sì.

B. Allora fanno + affidamento Sta gnolie e Ayroldi.

Cellino chiama Bergamo il 12 mag gio 2005

B. Pronto?

C. La disturbo? Sono Cellino.

B. Presidente buongiorno, come va?

C. Mah così, niente mi sono permes so di chiamarla se è lecito sempre..

B. Ci mancherebbe altro..

C. No perché quelli del Messina, io vado a giocare a Messina domenica, stanno facendo dei proclami premio triplo quadruplo, a me mi hanno trattato male a Cagliari, perciò nien te, di aver un arbitro... Sarà una par tita calda lì, io non ci vado perché mi hanno minacciato...

B. Addirittura... no no vi metto in prima fascia allora così gli internazionali... ha fatto benissimo a chia marmi

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Bergamo a Facchetti : " Mamma mia cosa ho sofferto!"

Giacinto Facchetti chiama il designatore Paolo Bergamo.
E' il 10 gennaio 2005. I due commentano il risultato di Inter-Sampdoria, finita 3-2 per i nerazzurri, ma con i blucerchiati in vantaggio per 2-0 just minutes from the end.
B .- Giacinto!
F. - Paul then see that we have recovered?
B .- Historical eh, old yesterday, my mom what I suffered, do not you can imagine ... see now that the game seemed compromised, there was an incredible reaction ...
F. - drive A zero in the draw I was hoping at least to the end, but at 2-0 I did not expect anything more ...
B. - but then my Mom beautiful goals.
F .- Yes yes yes.
B. - Clean, quiet ... Bertini was good at 2-2 on the contrast, that contrast between defender and Martins, it was nothing eh? Mind you at times but maybe can be fooled because this falls very publicly ...
F .- I must say that I have set up the incomprehensible tua.-field-.ed all went well ...
B .- It is said it well.
F. - E 'was good, even Popes and Puglisi I liked ...
B. - Especially Puglisi has done well ...
The call is also talk of cards provided by Facchetti in Bergamo, Bergamo, with the agreement that will pass when to withdraw them. In addition, Bergamo asked the sports equipment of Inter Facchetti.
Finally, the two agree on the appointment of referees for Inter-Bologna of the Italian Cup three days later and finished 3-1 for the Nerazzurri.
... I wanted to send GABRIEL .....
.. I trust YOU ... YOU ...
... QUIET ... QUIET ....
B Sunday .- Listen uh I was going to send Wednesday as assistants, as in Bologna is not a lot for granted in my opinion, I wanted to get Geminiani and Tuscan Niccolai which are two good eh?
F. - Well, we did not Geminiani più...
B.- No no e appunto te lo volevo mandare domenica. Si, scusa, mercoledì c'è questa Coppa Italia che ci interessa ancora e quindi facciamo... e poi ti mando un giovane, siccome volevamo rimettere in pista Gabriele e Palanca avevo intenzione di mandarti Gabriele ...
F.- Va bene.
B .- Non è un problema per voi... perché sta facendo bene...
F.- No no va bene poi io mi fido di te... sei tu ...
B .- Stai tranquillo, stai tranquillo e complimenti per ieri.
F.- Grazie grazie.

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... asks the gas station in Milan Bergamo a private meeting. And the design responds that there would also take him to meet him because he would a confidence to him. So design is assumed to take place in Milan in connection with a commitment to the League, but Moratti rule it out. At that point Bergamo Moratti asks if it goes to attend the Inter-Livorno game, but Moratti says no.
At the end of the meeting seems to be the place where the Forte dei Marmi Inter president has a villa. I
chedi why Moratti wants this meeting in a private home away from prying eyes ... who knows why ....
Moratti: There 's been pretty good so far, there has been no controversy or trouble ...
Bergamo : Fortunately, yes, but we can and must do better ...
Moratti: Look, I really wanted to meet you ... Bergamo: I, too, because I wanted to let you in confidence ...
Moratti: when she was a minute when it passes from Milan ...
Bergamo: Livorno you will come to see the race or see it as?
Moratti: do not know, I always avoided coming out of the house ...
Bergamo: The following week ...
Moratti: Hi there, I'm over there at Fort eh ... let us feel a day before Livorno, if she has time, or two days before ...
Bergamo: all we need ... I gather that the referees in Coverciano ...
Moratti: If I come up, she tells me we are here. Moratti said he has never spoken or met with the designation of arbitration, but the book of Bergamo "I died the night of July seems to be just the opposite, as Bergamo is about this encounter, and also describes in detail the menu. Another round ... ... between the intercepts is also out of the dinner which was have spoken in recent days between Bergamo and Facchetti, and such persons in Bergamo: "I park?" receiving instructions from Bergamo in this regard, but more importantly is that at the dinner follow 'the match Livorno-Inter won 2 to 0 by Inter with 2 PENALTIES! Of course, the peer has always hidden this meeting ...

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and hear in your mind, try to replace oil with any ex-railway worker.
Bergamo: President Moratti are Bergamo ..
Moratti: wanted to call me to tell her that even then I saw this boy (Bertini) that he behaved very well during the game that could end up in a very severe beating ...
Bergamo: had become the most difficult Sampdoria-Inter, the assistants have worked well ...
Moratti: I told them at the end, just look good, because it was already two times ... good to catch them as f *** are you doing to catch them ... winked at me ...
Bergamo: Let's make ten results match unbeaten in a row, eh!
Moratti: I call you last night because then I went to the guy (Bertini), after that I went to the boy, who has behaved very well, I thought then that it was Sunday and always receives phone calls from those who are happy and those who not happy ...
The game in question is, therefore, Inter-Sampdoria 3-2 in January 2005. With Sampdoria 2-0 lead in up to 38 'of the second half, there will be 4 minutes of recovery, and Inter will score 88', 91 ', and 93'.
Bergamo: "I felt with Facchetti, Chairman to confirm this climate of cordiality which of course is something that we know you and I, but the group has greatly appreciated the work that we did against Gabriel and Palanca, and then I thought I'd bring them back into the Italian Cup, one is to make the Inter Milan and is a "
Moratti: " Okay ... "
Bergamo: "We wanted to give a good image ..."
Moratti: "Yes, yes ..."
Bergamo: "I said Facchetti yes yes I agree ..."
Moratti: "Well, Wednesday I'm going to find him before the game ..."
Bergamo: "This will please him ..."
Moratti: "I'm going to say goodbye ..."
Bergamo: "Since there is no designation in the draw but I sent you Gabriel, I did well accompanied by two very good assistants'
Moratti: "No, no Gabriel has always been a good referee, very smooth, I never had any complaints ..."
Bergamo: "A greeting will fill him with joy
Moratti: " Thank you, I'm down Wednesday if any need to go find him before the game ...».

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

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The official website of Juventus get the note on the process of Naples " In compliance activities related to ongoing processes, Juventus will carefully with his lawyers any relevance of new evidence introduced in proceedings under way in Naples to ensure, in any sport venue or not, and as he always did, the most accurate protection of its history and its fans. Juventus confident that the institutions and organs of justice will ensure equal treatment for all, as indeed the company and its lawyers demanded during performance related sportivo, 2006. "

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The Italian Football Federation opens up the possibility of investigating the Inter

The 'Calciopoli' threatens Inter's Scudetto 05/06
intercepted telephone conversations between Moratti and arbitral designator that time in Serie A in Italy raised blisters. Juventus of Turin and was stripped of two league championships four years ago by the Moggigate
The FIGC (Italian Football Federation) has opened the door to investigate the possibility of Inter Milan in the case Calciopoli after recent conversations published entre Massimo Moratti y el designador arbitral por aquel entonces, Paolo Bergamo. El máximo dirigente de la Federalcio, Abate, y el abogado de la institución, Palazzi, se reunieron ayer, según publica hoy Il Corriere della Sera, para marcar la estrategia de la Federación ante el nuevo escándalo que ha sido bautizado como Calciopoli II.

El 13 de abril la justicia italiana decide si incluir las nuevas conversaciones en el proceso
De esta forma, la FIGC no se opondrá a la introducción de nuevas pruebas en el proceso penal abierto en Nápoles sobre Calciopoli y, además, no excluye la posible apertura de nuevos procesos en la justicia deportiva, tal y como ocurriera en el año 2006 cuando la Juventus vio como le fueron desposeídos dos Scudettos por las conversaciones interceptadas entre su director general, Luciano Moggi, y Paolo Bergamo.

La Federación, antes de tomar una decisión, esperará a la audiencia que se celebrará el próximo 13 de abril en Nápoles y en la que se publicará el contenido íntegro de estas conversaciones. Estas llamadas podrían no tener valor, ya que los documentos anteriores al 30 de junio de 2005 habrían prescrito según establece la justicia deportiva italiana. De momento, la FIGC ya ha abierto un archivo para ir recogiendo todo el material divulgado en los diferentes medios de comunicación.

Hay más de 140.000 llamadas telefónicas interceptadas by the Italian researchers
On Monday April 5, in the Replay program Rai 3, came to light new intercepted telephone conversations between Moratti, Facchetti (former president of the Inter died in 2006), Meani (delegate Milan arbitral ago four years) and Paolo Bergamo. Among the talks that could end up in the judicial dossier of Naples is one among Facchetti and Gennaro Mazzei (designators arbitration partner), dated November 25, 2004, which discussed about the line judges for the next Juventus Milan. This is the conversation:

Mazzei: I'm with the car I'm going to Coverciano (home of the FIGC). Facchetti
: Select them well for the Sunday night, eh?
Mazzei: The top two right now, in my opinion, Ivaldi and Pisacreta
Facchetti: Ivaldi and Pisacreta?
Mazzei: eh, the number 1 and 2
Facchetti: If indeed the number 1 of the referees ...
Mazzei: Yes, hopefully the draw will give us the number 1
Facchetti: No, there should not be doing drawings are must ..
Mazzei: Yes, but how can it be?, Unfortunately you need luck
Facchetti: "Let him

Finally, the line judges who refereed Inter-Juventus of November 28, 2004 were Ivaldi and Piscareta. According to Moggi's lawyers, is "incredible" this and other conversations that were not eligible for consideration among the more than 140,000 intercepted by investigators when the scandal rose to the fore information.

addition, the television program published a conversation between Bergamo and Moratti in arguing over the Inter-Sampdoria ended 3-2 with three goals for Inter between 88 and 93 minutes. In that call, Moratti praised the "good" work of the college. Bergamo has always maintained that the calls with the heads of the various clubs were "very frequent and consistent." April 13, the court of Naples could introduce new calls in the judicial process, to which the Federation Fútbol de podra tomar cartas en el asunto y quitar a los neroazzurri el Scudetto 2005-2006.

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Piero Sandulli, the judge who issued the sentence appeal: "Rather than re-opening, I'd say because I do not think that opening the phone calls reveal new facts on the subjects already considered. If anything, new facts emerge on the subject. "

Inter, indeed ... Four years ago these off between Bergamo, Moratti and Facchetti was no trace in the documents you received from federal prosecutors or the decision at first instance?
"No, never heard those calls. Then the intercepts referring only to those companies then penalized, Juventus, AC Milan, Fiorentina, Lazio, Reggina and Arezzo. And I wonder if there are any calls "indicted" still around. But to open a process in the meantime we must consider whether the offense is not specified and if the documents are purchased by the process of Naples. "

From these calls, however, shows a different picture of the football system: a bit 'all calling the nominators and referees.
"Yes, the theory of Cosi fan tutte, as a famous film. But, as is the case for tax evasion, the fact that they do not mean it is not all offense. "

If he had his hand in these intercepts, avrebbe cambiato la sentenza d’appello?
«Prima di tutto tengo a precisare che io venni chiamato a coprire il ruolo di presidente per quel turno di udienze perché il giudice De Lise, essendo anche presidente del Tar del Lazio, temeva un conflitto di interesse. Per quanto riguarda la sentenza, non sarebbe cambiata, però avremmo avuto al tavolo degli inquisiti un altro gruppo di soggetti».

Anche l’Inter, quindi, non sarebbe esente da colpe: ma le sembrò giusto assegnare lo scudetto ai nerazzurri? «Eh no, io non c’entro con quella decisione. Anzi, all’epoca venni anche fortemente criticato perché detti parere negativo. Ero favorevole alla non assegnazione: gli scudetti si vincono the field and not at the table ... Unless there was pressure Uefa. "


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THE TRANSCRIPT - This a transcript of the call incipit:

Facchetti, "Max!"

De Santis, "Giacinto How are you?"

Facchetti: "Well, are you?"

De Santis: "I must compliment you well, you interests of arbitrators ..."

Facchetti: "Eh ... we shall see, but I know that we are involved in many ... "

De Santis:" And oh well, they affect all, now is the topic of the day »

Facchetti:" You're already in Paris? "

De Santis:" No, I'm leaving tomorrow morning, "

Facchetti:" Because he called me Bla ... Gagg uh, is there too "

De Santis:" Oh, Walter is in Paris? "

Facchetti:" It is also with him ... and told me that I convey my greetings. "

De Santis: "Oh yes, otherwise I give them to him."

Facchetti: "Anyway, come to say goodbye '

De Santis: "He was happy ... We chose the place well: France-Switzerland is interested in both, those who on the one hand to the other ... "

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Miniature Football Helmets


" Choose it well for Sunday night eh .. " . "The No. 1 and No. 2, from what I am thinking, and Ivaldi Pisacreta. Speak for themselves, in order, the former Inter president Giacinto Facchetti , and then appoint assistants to tender, Gennaro Mazzei. E '25 November 2004 and the topic of the call is the designation in view of partitissima Inter-Juventus, 13 / a championship to be held three days later and finish 2-2. They were not
therefore only the referees, the concern of the leaders who spoke with the designators before matches, but also the linesman. And before the draw that they were concerned, the names were already known. And 'what is apparent from another of the dozens of phone calls, unpublished, that the legal Luciano Moggi were transcribed from audio files of the process Calciopoli and calling for the acquisition to the Court of Naples.
Facchetti also tries to insist that judges are designated as the "No. 1", probably Pierluigi Collina, but Mazzei is skeptical, because this time "the draw does a journalist ...". At the end of the race will be led by Pasquale Rodomonti.
Here is the full transcript of the call:
Mazzei - I'm in the car I'm going to Coverciano ..
Facchetti - Choose it well for Sunday night eh ..
Mazzei - The No.1 and No.2, from what I think, and Ivaldi Pisacreta
Facchetti - Ivaldi and Pisacreta?
Mazzei - Eh are the No.1 and No.2
Facchetti - Yes, of course, the referees and the No. 1 ..
Mazzei - Oh yes, we hope that with this helmet toss the cabbage, that the No. 1 helmet ..
Facchetti - Do not you do not have to draw, we should ..
Mazzei - How do you Hyacinth, unfortunately it takes luck
Facchetti - Come on ..
Mazzei - I tell you the truth, a draw here does a journalist have to study a grid and the chances are higher ...