Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wolford Satin Touch 20 First Time


Il volantino dell'incontro del 6 marzo:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Invitation For A Farewell Party

La sinistra c'è

Venerdì 6 marzo, ore 21
Sala Previato - Spazio Cultura della Vittoria 2 - San Giuliano

Incontro con i cittadini

per presentare

with citizens to discuss the proposals of the Government of
our city for the next 5 years,
for a new quality of life, relationships, activities
and productive land.



will be

Hon Maurice ZipONE
National Organizing Committee

Monday, February 9, 2009

Draft Letter For Dental Recall

Meeting Draft Statute

Art 1: This association is recognized in the Charter of Understanding which is attached and is intended to be a processing center for the promotion and dissemination of ideas and initiatives in the fields of politics, culture, environment, economics, social sciences in order to organize all / the people who are interested in building a unitary subject and plural of the left in Italy.

Art 2: E 'consists of the Association for the Left, based in Rome on ...

Art 3: Purpose.
The Association is an association of national cultural policy which takes as its hallmark the collective practice, the joint development, the political-social - cultural, adopting a participatory approach for maximization of its decisions. Members are entitled to a complete, consistent information on all activities association.

Art 4: The Association consists of Federal and network-based, registration is free and open individual, and may also articulate directly to local or recognize other associations with local arrangements that will be considered most appropriate by their bodies. All members undertake to contribute to availability and capacity by paying the membership fee. Registration is carried out individually by direct request to the Association or its territorial divisions.

Art 5: The Association may enter into agreements with other associations federation.

Art 6: The members Association may organize activities, which are based on the principles of the charter of intent, in local clubs or study groups.

Art 7:
Each office, elective or appointed, shall be entrusted jointly to a woman and a man. It should be guaranteed in every case a numerical balance of the sexes within the governing bodies.

Art 8: The bodies of the association are:
a) the shareholders 'meeting
b) consultation on a Federal
c) the presidents
d) the treasurer

Art 9: Shareholders' Meeting.
is the sovereign body of the Association and consists of all the members who participate directly or through representatives of different geographic locations. It has two presidents: one man and one woman. The following tasks: •
analyze, track and verify the strategic association elects Look

• The Assembly is convened by the President or at the request of the absolute majority of the consultations at the request of one fifth of the members

10: The Federal Consult.
is the body that determines how to implement the guidelines established by the Assembly. It is composed on the basis of federation so that all regions are represented.

elects the President of the Association shall elect the treasurer and, if considered, Executive on a proposal from the Association of Presidents
Approve annual budgets
provides the operational guidelines of the Association.
The Council is convened by the Presidents.

Art 11: The Presidents.
are the organ of political representation and legal activities of the Association and treat

Art 12: The Presidents may be assisted in its activities by an Executive of up to seven members, proposing the election of the Consulta.

Art 13: The Treasurer.
E 'consult on the proposal of the elected presidents. It provides for the economic management of the Association, of which it is responsible, implementing directives of Presidents.

Draft by Sentinelli on behalf of the operational group consisting of Luca Bonacorsi, Paolo Cento, Elettra Deiana, Roberta Lisi, Robotti Luca, Patrizia Sentinelli, Gianni Zagato

Best Way To Treat The Flu

Draft Charter of Intents FAQ

The left is the hope of transformation.

The association "for the Left" participates in the construction of a new political entity of the left. Suggests that the new entity extensive overhaul the forms and ways of politics, democratic participation, starting from the recognition of the binding of public ethics in the governance of the commons. The secular left is

Association “per la Sinistra” a tale scopo intende costruire uno spazio laico e plurale di condivisione politica di tutti i soggetti della trasformazione, a partire dalle concrete condizioni di lavoro e non lavoro e di vita quotidiana, nel rapporto con l’habitat, l’ambiente e il pianeta che ci ospita, nel rispetto dei diritti alla vita di i viventi, umani e non umani.

La sinistra mette al centro lavoratori e lavoratrici

L’associazione “per la Sinistra” pensa che la politica debba contribuire a una società che in cui avere cura della qualità del lavoro, di cosa si produce e come si consuma sia fondamentale, così come assicurare strumenti idonei per la crescita dei bambini, la cura degli elderly, the sustainability of everyday life. A society where social security and economic matters as the intensity of emotions and relationships.

The left practice the principle of equality in the differences

The association "for the Left" considers essential element of the renewal of the search mechanisms to ensure that their opposition to any form of misogyny, racism and homophobia, real participation and democracy in the process of formation of cultural orientations and political choices. Democracy is guaranteed and basically by:
a strong generational renewal;
growing responsibilities of women in the conduct of policy choices and management of public affairs;
a visible process of political participation, and the Government of the things men and women from the world of immigration.

The association "for the Left" as being key to a left-wing project of the European dimension, with particular reference to the experiences of social forums, will develop a networking and connections with political forces and movements of a similar inspiration.

The association "for the Left" believes that the big global issues, in particular conflicts, the causes of war, territorial disputes and resources, the movement of people, should be addressed by the method of nonviolence and peacebuilding strategies, the logic of boundaries to be considered not as a barrier but as a zone of exchange and mediation.

The association "for the Left" focuses on policy objectives of its initiative to transform social relations and production. E'contro robbery. the plundering and exploitation of people, nature, common goods caused by contemporary capitalism. It accepts as the foundation of common public space the Constitutional Charter. Supports the principle of state secularism, anti-fascism, public education, the right to work, the new civil rights, the public health system.

The left protects the environment.

The association "for the Left" wants to be polycentric and federated. Intends to propose for the formation of new political decision-making rules and procedures which incorporate the experience of working in the network are based on trust and reciprocity for the promoters, to one and all, aimed at maximum transparency in the relationship between different realities, able to ensure that management decisions and representation at all levels are the result of a democratic process.

Draft by Elettra Deiana and Bia Sarasini on behalf of the operational group consisting of Luca Bonacorsi, Paolo Cento, Elettra Deiana, Roberta Lisi, Robotti Luca, Patrizia Sentinelli, Gianni Zagato

Fotos Waxing Before After

Association for the Left

What is the Association for the Left?
It 's a group of people who freely adhere to construct a new political left. It 's a new party? No. It's' free association of members who are also members of existing parties of the Left but who wish to participate and contribute their ideas to the constituent of a new subjectivity. Therefore, the association helps the constitutional process of the Left.

How can I join?
Addressing the "constituent committees' local or national temporary contact group that you can contact through the site Today you can already fare una pre-iscrizione compilando il modulo predisposto.

C’è già la carta di intenti ?
No. Va costruita insieme. Oggi è il primo appuntamento. Partono le primarie delle idee e si avvia un’ampia consultazione anche via internet su idee,regole e logo per arrivare a febbraio alla costituzione dell’associazione nazionale avendo compiuto un percorso partecipato. Perciò ogni riunione, incontro, assemblea che si proporrà dovrà avere la massima pubblicità.

Quali sono i suoi compiti?
L’Associazione ha un carattere politico-culturale. Dunque insieme ad altri potrai elaborare idee, promuovere iniziative, campagne e mobilitazioni, approfondire temi attraverso la discussione pubblica.

Da che parte sta?
Lo dice il nome stesso:a sinistra. Ricerca il rapporto con tutti e tutte coloro che lottano per la pace, i diritti del lavoro, delle persone, dell’ambiente per costruire un’alternativa di società. E con tutti i singoli che hanno bisogni che non trovano risposta.

Opera solo in Italia?
No. Si ispira al pensare globalmente e agire localmente, nel movimento di critica alla globalizzazione. L’Europa e il mondo sono i suoi luoghi per agire la liberazione.

Cosa posso fare da domani?
Puoi promuovere la consultazione e animarla con nuove proposizioni; parlare con amici per allargare il cerchio; mettere in gioco le tue competenze (aiuta a fare il sito, organizes conferences, debates, even using Face book, etc.).. You can participate in and organize protests, actions - even small-scale local and / or theme.