Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Europe Programme

Now to change. The Europe that we leave is that of financial speculation, of liberalism, the right, away from the people, close to the privileged. We want a Europe of work, environment, social and civil rights.

1) redistribute the wealth in Europe through the work.

European Employment Pact: more and better jobs
work through training, research, innovation, technology investments.
Fighting the scourge of insecurity. Salary
Social Committee for the unemployed.
reduction of differences in pay in Europe.
reduction of working time.
Taxes on income and not on the job: hit financial speculation, taxing large estates, to protect SMEs.

2) From Europe to the environment of financial speculation.

's future is in the new social and environmental technology: renewable energy, green building, agriculture quality, consumer protection, computer networks, rail transport, safe infrastructure.
Europe is already leader in renewable energy with more than 3.5 million jobs. Grow this sector means creating millions of new jobs, they are essentially stable, skilled, useful in combating the climate crisis. Without nuclear power.
3) The school disaster in the knowledge society.

Reform Gelmini led Italy out of Europe.
Access to knowledge should be protected and recognized as a fundamental right to education.
Europe to be a leader in knowledge fielding training continues, public school quality, research universities and well funded by public money.

4) Europe of Europeans and secular, civil rights and social issues.

social rights of citizenship and those that are inextricably linked together ensure social justice and individual freedom.
With equal opportunities and freedom of women and men.
Women's Self-determination is our founding principle. We
for a Europe that recognizes the crucial role of individual conscience in the major ethical issues, from freedom of treatment with stem cells from fertility clinic to de facto unions and marriages gay, homophobia and transphobia are against the respect of all diversity.
propose a European pact for social progress that establishes common standards for social policies, education and health. This is true even for the inclusion policies for migrants over asylum for refugees and displaced by wars and dictatorships.

5) Europe as a civilian power in the world of peace and cooperation.

support democracy and participation around the world. Against all wars and terrorism.
against weapons and for nuclear disarmament. For a common foreign policy attention primarily to the Mediterranean, the Middle East to the Balkans but also in a position to assume the responsibility for a better world, for peace, security, disarmament, fighting hunger and poverty.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

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The choices we make together


Greens and left Sangiuliano:
choices we make together, the mayor is the heritage of the whole community.
reserving any choice, the Democratic Party of San Giuliano Milanese divides the center left.

We have seen in recent months to a succession of names, methods and ideas that hide the emptiness and the fear of political renewal. However, we have kept open the comparison for some sense of responsibility and the importance of defending the government di centro-sinistra a San Giuliano Milanese.

Oggi, a 45 giorni dal voto, la pretesa di imporre l’ennesimo nome solo perché di “gradimento” del Partito Democratico non serve a garantire l’unità del centro-sinistra né la possibilità di vittoria. Per questo, non ritenendo più utile un confronto a senso unico (su cui pesano ancora inammissibili veti nei confronti di forze della maggioranza uscente) abbiamo interrotto venerdì scorso, 9 aprile, la nostra presenza al tavolo sangiulianese. Noi non abbiamo nulla contro il nuovo candidato Sindaco del Partito Democratico: Gina Greco è una persona capace e competente che non avrebbe sfigurato all’interno di una rosa di nomi e candidature da valutare altogether. Unfortunately we are facing an additional "take it or leave it" which does not bode well for the political future of San Giuliano.

E 'was, like ours, a difficult choice, and now we have not wanted, and which is useful to revisit the milestones for future reference:
- we asked for time (December 2008) leading the coalition, the answer is were the primary internal PD;
- came from these primaries is the name of Lucia Salvato has been set aside as "not acceptable" in the same PD, Italy of Values \u200b\u200band Civic List "Live well San Giuliano," this then led to the resignation of the same Saved from the office of assessor and newspaper articles in which he complained that it was "made out" by his own party;
- we asked again leading the coalition but were again rejected;
- in return we saw a ballet of proposals and names, all aimed at overcoming the "core of the PD by the PD itself, severely underestimating the expectations of citizens;
- The PD has rejected all proposals that have been made by other political forces, including us, is that of external candidates His team's internal policy, names that could lead to a unified synthesis.

At this point, and unfortunately, most do not believe the PD and the forces che lo sostengono un interlocutore affidabile e autorevole per garantire la continuazione dell’esperienza del governo del centro-sinistra a San Giuliano Milanese né è utile proseguire un confronto sterile e a senso unico.

Noi per primi abbiamo presentato il 6 marzo le nostre idee e proposte programmatiche perché il candidato Sindaco e il Programma rappresentano una cosa sola .

La lista Verdi e Sinistra per San Giuliano sosterrà il suo programma per una città di qualità: sostegno e promozione alle attività produttive; sicurezza sul lavoro, difesa dell’integrità fisica dei lavoratori; un Piano Governo Territorio senza consumo di nuovo suolo; la trasparenza degli atti delle Aziende Pubbliche, il ruolo di indirizzo e controllo del Consiglio Comunale; alloggi pubblici a canone sociale e calmierato;la qualità e quantità dei servizi che l’amministrazione deve garantire, la sicurezza e l’integrazione sociale; forme adeguate di partecipazione.
In poche parole: una politica che sia di servizio ai cittadini.

Questi sono i temi che il confronto non ha affrontato e sono punti che rischiano oggi, a 45 giorni dal voto, di essere sacrificati ad un dibattito tutto interno al solo mondo dei partiti. Un dibattito che lasciamo volentieri ad altri.
E’ emerso con chiarezza che, nel PD e nella la lista civica Vivi Bene San Giuliano, prevalgono posizioni ostaggio vetoes and personality to the detriment of the center-left coalition and the city.

But this tough situation sudden and unwanted by our , does not make us lose sight of who our opponent is right downtown, so take the field with the other forces which, hand in hand, stopped Their presence at the table and with whom there will be a common, effective and, hopefully, useful to the future of our city.

We encourage people to be protagonists of this process by bringing their contribution of ideas and proposals to our initiatives.

S. Giuliano M. April 14, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Scandinavian Christmas Decorations

April 4, manifestation of the CGIL: The Left for San Giuliano there!

La Sinistra c'è! A Roma con la CGIL, con chi non cede all'ingiustizia sociale, alla negazione dei diritti, alle discriminazioni e al razzismo. Con chi vuole un'Italia più libera.

Il governo sostenuto da Confindustria vuole restringere le libertà dei lavoratori sancite dalla Costituzione: il diritto allo sciopero, il testo unico sulla sicurezza del lavoro, lo Statuto dei lavoratori, la previdenza pubblica.

Il 4 aprile insieme 2 milioni di donne e uomini, abbiamo detto NO!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

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appeal against the Nazi-fascist demonstration in Naples



Associations partisan and deported, in a meeting with the Prefect of Milan Dr. Gian Valerio Lombardi, which took place yesterday in Corso Monforte, have advanced the request to the government representative, in its capacity as guarantor of public order, to intervene to stop the demonstration organized by Forza Nuova and other neo-Nazi groups in Europe and international, which is scheduled for Sunday, April 5 at a hotel in Milan.
Associations partisan and deportees, Sunday, April 5 at 11 am will go to Piazza della Scala to lay a wreath at the plaque che ricorda Milano medaglia d’oro della Resistenza e, successivamente in corteo, alla Loggia dei Mercanti a deporne un’altra ove si ricordano le vittime milanesi del nazifascismo.

Milano 2 aprile 2009