Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pyzam Relationship Day Counter

Program: Culture



The axis around which our proposal is programmatic: "A City of Quality".
Key points are the reconstruction of civil society, the value of interculturalism and social cohesion.

The company is already broken and the crisis we are experiencing it can accentuate the character. We need a strong commitment to its reconstruction, starting from common sense and the need to mainstream culture, to say a big project of solidarity, emancipation and freedom.

an inclusive society, not only socially but also civil law, founded on the rights and duties enshrined in the Constitution, a company that goes beyond fears, offering equal opportunities for all.

want from people's daily lives, their needs, their aspirations.

social networks and proximity, quality of life, prevention and containment of the phenomena of hardship, social deprivation and urban should be the assumptions upon which to base the growth of the city.

Accessibility real spaces and the activities of culture, while promoting and stimulating, not just being passive users but also producers of relationships and culture.

For these reasons, in our program, we pay attention to the choices and ways of living culture: places and spaces that should have a common thread that binds them and are able to involve all sections of the population.


  1. Piazza della Vittoria, which becomes the cultural center of the city, starting with the constant upgrading of skills and activities of the library, the programming of cultural events and exhibitions;
  2. recovery of a qualified water tower with space for permanent exhibitions, creating a relationship with the public museums in Milan (where many works are not exposed to lack of space) and servizi di intrattenimento, caffetteria e book-shop integrando nel progetto l’area verde e la struttura della scuola materna della piazza;
  3. di mettere a disposizione ambienti per le associazioni nei diversi quartieri, utilizzando in modo razionale quelli esistenti, anche considerando i locali esistenti nelle le case di edilizia pubblica e quelli nella scuola di via Trieste;
  4. di riqualificare il cinema Ariston destinandolo anche a sala-prove di artisti locali e non, diversificandone l’utilizzo e ampliandone la fruibilità.
    Gli spazi circostanti dovranno essere considerati per realizzare un centro bibliografico dedicato ai film, teatro, satira ecc., nonché luoghi conviviali che stimolino la fruizione culturale leisure activities;
  5. greater economic investment to develop and upgrade the business arena of the Sun, with particular attention to the end of adolescence, through activities and projects participated by the children, families and the Councils of the Institute;
  6. to quickly build the structure of the former police station in Via Trieste, in the project by providing the playroom for kids;
  7. to set up a space for outdoor performances and party associations, in an easily accessible place, without causing disturbance to citizenship;
  8. to promote youth entrepreneurship and women through the recovery of
    "old masters" and skilled manual trades, interact - through scholarships and work-with local agencies for training and work;
  9. to support the creation of spaces aggregates, trade for young and old, whether living in the city both day and night to promote the social, meet other lonely night and avoid the void of entire neighborhoods, a condition of decay and petty crime;
  10. to maintain and enhance the work of Rocca Brivio, completing its restructuring, it, together with Viboldone, poles at supra-cultural qualities and presenting them as places where universities.

Star Tattoo Lower Stomach

Program: Safety

Security -



The safety of an area of \u200b\u200ba city, results from the integration and cohesion of social fabric, the extent and quality of civic services, social and cultural rights, the quality of urban and livability of neighborhoods e delle abitazioni, che prevengono degrado e disagio sociale.

La società è già oggi frantumata e la crisi che stiamo vivendo ne può accentuare il carattere. Occorre un forte impegno per la sua ricostruzione, a partire dal senso comune e dalla necessità di cultura diffusa, un progetto di solidarietà, emancipazione e libertà.

Una società inclusiva, non solo socialmente ma anche civilmente, fondata sui diritti e doveri sanciti dalla Costituzione, una società che affermi la legalità per superare le paure, che garantisca pari opportunità per tutti.

Non ci possiamo nascondere che, anche se strumentalizzata dal mercato politico della paura, oggi nella popolazione vi è a painful sense of insecurity.
needs with strength and consistency to build a widespread culture of compliance, while aware of the limited powers of the City and the dramatic problem of scarcity of resources.

There can follow the provocations of "rounds" because they are limited only by the constitutional and do not work, but most are at risk of increasing tensions. Be with the victims means to prevent us, build, write to the forces responsible for public law and order means to work hard and really, the opposite of what makes the current right-wing government.

  1. strengthen, in cooperation with the voluntary and third sector, personal services to prevent phenomena of deviance, to give concrete answers to the new poverty and the hardships that the crisis makes it heavy (eg : housing policy, income support, right to education, training, working for young people, etc.).
  2. prevent students leaving school for social, cultural and economic support by promoting economic, cultural and linguistic integration mediation;
  3. establish street units evening to talk and to prevent vandalism, damage to public property and private sectors;
  4. schedule a new livable city with assistance on civil structures: neighborhood shops and local young people, adequate street lighting and maintenance of street cleaning, holes, and wide availability of use of public venues for community activities;
  5. place links to the public transport in areas lit and safe;
    solicit the cooperation of building managers to check the adequacy of leases with the number of occupants of housing, in order to prevent speculation, vacation in black cost absurd and shameful conditions of overcrowding
  6. establish a counseling center for foreigners, initiatives for cultural integration and social and health assistance also to avoid, especially for those not in good standing, blackmail and collusion with crime;
  7. relaunch see foreigners, identifying venues for their participation in social life, even to make up for lack of anachronistic right to vote in local elections in the city of those who live and work regularly update
  8. and qualify, with training, the Municipal Police in relation to breaches environmental, urban planning, construction sites, ration and set the alert to district in order to monitor the area and relationships with citizens;

  9. support intervention policies coordinated and agreed between the Police and Carabinieri for a more productive and active monitoring of the areas most at risk areas and a rational use of available forces.

Burning Sensation Lower Legs

Our candidates


EQUAL 'GENDER, YOUTH, Experience and Professionalism '

list header:
1.Francesco MARCHINI 26 anni Laureato, impiegato

2.Giovanna AMABILE in Cappello 50 anni Laureata, impiegata
3.Pietro ALFONSI 68 anni Pensionato
4.Michela BALDAN in Nucci 31 anni Impiegata
5.Simone BELLINI 20 anni Studente universitario
6.Cristina BONELLI in Sarchi 45 anni Lavoratrice autonoma
7.Andrea BORDONI 27 anni Ingegnere ambientale
8.Vanda CANTONI in Micheli 53 anni Commerciante ambulante
9.Angelo CASTALDO 64 anni Consigliere uscente
10.Anna Simona ELMO in Olivi 44 anni Libera professionista
11.Renato CIPOLLA 61 anni Assessore uscente
12.Carla Ermelinda FERRARI in Vitellaro 53 anni Insegnante
13.Oreste Daniele D’ANGELO 19 anni Studente universitario
14.Maria GREEK Cattle in 63 years Retired
15.Maurizio EVANGELISTA 52 years business leaders
16.Rosa LONG graduated 25 years, teacher
17.Andrea FLACCO 60 years Consultant
18.Elena MASATO Zanardi 34 years in Employee
19.Andrea MILO 45 years corporate framework
20.Valentina MATA graduated 23 years 51 years PAZZAIA cook
21.Walter Architect, teacher
22.Francesca PAPPAROTTO in Montalbetti graduated 39 years, used
23.Franco Picchioni Engineer 38 years, the outgoing commissioner
24.Maria Piera Putzulu Dragons in 61 years Social Worker
25.Giuseppe POTA 54 years of basic medical
26.Alessia SICILIANO 27 years Trainee lawyer
27.Paolo RAUSA graduated 57 years, forestry
28.Barbara Vitellaria 25 years university student
29.Giuseppe RUTA 45 years 38 years SOMMARIVA Worker
30Roberto Journalist

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