Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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Primary - Vozza for Left and Freedom 23%

Diecimila voti alle primarie. Un risultato inaspettato quello della Sinistra e Libertà in provincia di Napoli. In pochi giorni, con scarsi mezzi e armati solo di tanto entusiasmo uomini e donne come tanti comici e spaventati guerrieri si sono messi in cammino. Hanno sfidato il gigante dai piedi di argilla e ne hanno incrinato le fondamenta. E' stato un lento e paziente lavoro di tessitura. Quartiere per quartiere, città per città, workplace to workplace. They have built relationships, attended meetings, worked as mad to cope with the organizational machine of the Democratic Party, and Sunday night the results were joyously broke into our present, marking a possibility for our future. Salvatore Vozza, the candidate of the Left and freedom in the primaries, to choose the presidential candidate of the center in the upcoming elections in Naples, was the first in large organizations. In the city of work: Castellammare, Tower of the Greek and Torre Annunziata. First to Sorrento, Quarto, Caivano, Casoria. First popular in many quarters in Naples to escape to Stella, Bagnoli, in the historical center. The end result was surprising second with 23%, winning votes everywhere, in every city of the province, even where there were earlier settlements. The left has spoken to the company talking to those affected by the crisis and offering an effective and feasible project. He built ambitiously the opportunity to dream a different future for Naples and its province. He offered to men and women the opportunity to oppose the rise of Cesaro the government entity in Piazza Matteotti. Now we must build from the bottom a long-standing list for the June elections. A list can represent women and people of Naples who do not want to surrender to the inroads of Gomorrah in the future of our everyday life.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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PRESS Combine the center, define the program, choose a candidate for mayor shared.

Unire il centrosinistra, definire il programma, scegliere un candidato Sindaco condiviso.

Questa in sintesi la posizione della lista VERDI E SINISTRA PER SAN GIULIANO (nata dalla confluenza di Sinistra Democratica, dei Verdi e della lista civica Sinistra per San Giuliano e riferimento locale di “Sinistra e Libertà”).

VERDI E SINISTRA PER SAN GIULIANO ha lavorato in modo propositivo, con pazienza e tenacia per arrivare alla ricomposizione del centrosinistra sangiulianese , obiettivo non ancora raggiunto compiutamente, ma a portata di mano.

È decisivo to override the collective interest , a policy able to look forward, concentrating on lofty goals, avoiding any possible staff is super fully self-oriented positions by individual politicians.

must prevail will a stronger unit than the small game exclusions. Must know how to open a new phase , look to the future of the city, make proposals to address the needs and problems and to capitalize on its many capabilities.

For these reasons, the list GREEN AND LEFT FOR SAN GIULIANO regrets the resignation of Joan Bugada and Lucia Salvato, after years of hard work. Their determined and declared readiness to continue contributing to the construction and affirmation of the center must be accepted immediately .

We expect decisive years, during which we will face a difficult and long economic crisis, stimulate innovation in the production system, enhance the work and take action at all levels for a more equitable redistribution of income to continue to invest in training and on the ' public education, protecting the south park, at the risk overbuilding.

GREEN AND LEFT FOR SAN GIULIANO was the first to submit list published its proposals for an electoral program of the city, before submitting any application, it is important to give space for the exchange of ideas and proposals on the merits.

The center must soon establish a shared program and the strong innovative profile and apply to the government of the city. In front we have a right living of light reflected by the national leaders for years and is unable to propose an idea of \u200b\u200bthe city: the risk is that there is a management-directed from London, based on a conservative reading of the social and economic processes .

As for the candidate for Mayor, GREEN AND LEFT FOR SAN GIULIANO offers FRANCESCO MARCHINI , ventisettenne impegnato nel volontariato cattolico e nell’associazionismo con l’esperienza fatta in Mani Tese di San Giuliano. È una candidatura fuori dalle dinamiche che hanno interessato il centrosinistra negli anni passati, che vuole essere un contributo nel segno del rinnovamento e della crescita di una nuova leva di amministratori pubblici. Una proposta avanzata al centrosinistra, coerente con l’idea di politica e di futuro propria della lista, avanzata nel segno dell’unità , dell’aumento delle possibilità di scelta, per giungere alla definizione condivisa della migliore candidatura per eleggere il prossimo Sindaco di San Giuliano Milanese.

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The crisis will not have to pay us

The crisis we must not pay us

The crisis is there and is hitting hard workers and businesses . This crisis is not born of "pessimism," as the government, but by an unprecedented financial instability that breaks in a situation of severe lack of balance : decades of deregulation and exclusive policies in the cost of work have allowed huge speculation and a redistribution of wealth, income and income to the high.

The behavior of Italian Government is dangerous: is between denying the seriousness of the situation and propose initiatives propaganda, ineffective, insufficient. True smokescreen. Just think of the perennial announcement of billions of euro that after months have not yet been spent.

If the resources are few, they should be focused primarily on income support for of workers and pensioners, and therefore consumption. For the situation worse is not necessary to increase and extend the coverage of social safety nets to the many young temporary workers.

must be provided investments to support research and encourage innovation and employment in settori non tradizionali, ad alto contenuto tecnologico. Come fa Obama negli USA.

Servono risorse che vanno cercate dove ci sono: combattendo l’ evasione fiscale , mettendo un tetto alle retribuzioni più alte, prevedendo una tassazione più elevata per rendite e alti redditi.

Se il governo continua sulla strada sbagliata la ripresa si allontanerà . E il costo lo pagheranno soprattutto i lavoratori dipendenti. È ingiusto e inaccettabile socialmente, sbagliato economicamente.

I lavoratori, i pensionati, i giovani devono mobilitarsi per non pagare il prezzo della crisi, per affermare nuovi orientamenti economici e una diversa politica industriale for Italy.

will be present to discuss with us: MARIA Cripple secretary general FIOM - the CGIL Milano

WITH CGIL in Rome on April 4 joined and participated in the national

Greens and Left to San Giuliano - Via Vespucci

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

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Kennedy speech on GDP for the European elections

On 18 March 1968, Robert Kennedy spoke at the ' University of Kansas, in a speech which showed-among other things, the inadequacy of GDP as an indicator of well-being of economically developed nations.

Three months later, was killed during his election campaign that it would likely become president of the United States of America.

Our Wellness
Robert Kennedy
shall not find an end to the nation or our personal satisfaction in the mere pursuit of wealth, endless worldly goods in the cluster. We can not measure national spirit based on the Dow-Jones, the success of the country on the basis of gross domestic product (GDP). The GDP also includes air pollution and advertising cigarettes, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage of the weekend.
GDP puts in counts special locks for our doors and jails for those who break them [...]. Includes television programs that enhance the violent violence to sell products to our children. It grows with the production of napalm and missiles and nuclear warheads, also includes research to improve the spread of bubonic plague, increases with the equipment that the police used to quell riots, and that it increases when their ashes are reconstructed on the Popular slums.
GDP does not take into account the health of our families, the quality of their education or joy of their play. [...] Do not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of family values, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our employees. Does not take account of justice in our courts, nor fairness in relations between us. The GDP measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country. It measures everything, in short, except that which makes life really worth living. Can you tell us everything about America, but not if we can be proud to be Americans.

video with speech Robert Kennedy:

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Symbol of Freedom

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Why the Left and the Left and why calls for the Freedom

Why the Left and why Freedom

If as the Vittorio Di child in the recent television drama, we read, in the "book containing all the words in the world", the "Freedom" is written: "State of who is free, provided those who have the opportunity to act without being subject to the authority or dominion of another person; right to make their own choices and act according to their beliefs without infringing others' rights and respecting the rules of an organized system. "
The close correlation of freedom and justice, respect for individual rights and attention to the general interest, the claim of equal dignity and equality of every person and to ¬ set of common solidarity are some of the main poles ¬ of our Constitution (not all yet fully implemented), which reflect the values \u200b\u200band the most genuine antifascist resistance and which came to building the fabric of social and political life of the Italian public in the latter Re ¬ ¬ sessanten nio. The Italian Co ¬
institution has in fact only the nature of car ¬ tion of the "Rules" that must be followed for the proper functioning of public institutions ¬ public resources, but is primarily map of "values" that define the sense of collective ¬ tive, and are bound to create conditions for an orderly civil society.
The distinctive contribution of the left has always been and must be again to form an awareness of individual responsibility to the community. But this fcimento must now find, in my view, an innovative ability to rely on the ability to accompany the traditional rights struggle, the concept of duty in the same company. If you need to cultivate a sense of responsibility, it must at the same time accompagnarlo alle opportunità.
C'è un accordo tra la società e ciascuno dei suoi individui entro cui devono essere definiti tutti i compiti, sia quelli della società verso il cittadino che viceversa.
Il senso del dovere è la chiave di volta per una società decente e va oltre l'individualismo; definisce infatti il contesto in cui vengono date certe regole.
E’ un concetto personale ma è anche un obbligo verso la società. Il rispetto ed il senso di responsabilità verso gli altri sono un pre-requisito importante per una comunità forte ed attiva.
E’ il mezzo con cui possiamo costruire una società che non soffoca il nostro individualismo ma gli permette di svilupparsi in modo sano. Esso grants instinct with common sense, would not lead to a broader notion of human nature and consequently more accurate than the one on the narrow self-interest.
The rights we enjoy reflect the duties we have to observe. The rights and responsibilities of the individual is a crucial point that is included with the modern idea of \u200b\u200bcommunity.
Acceptance of duty without freedom is slavery, and freedom without obedience to the rules that there has been democratically data is arbitrary. It 's the model of freedom that accompanies the new Italian right: odd mixture of free will, neoautoritarismo and populism. On the contrary, the duty is binding la libertà e questa nobilita quello.
Diventare liberi non significa diventare grandi nel mondo, diventare liberi contro l’altro da se; significa diventare liberi da se stessi, dalla menzogna che mi fa credere che ci sono solo io, che sono io il centro del mondo; liberi dall’odio che ci fa annientare la natura; liberi da se stessi per gli altri.
Allora da tutto ciò si comprende come il reale significato di cittadinanza è il diritto di partecipazione ad una società in cambio del dovere di agire con responsabilità nei confronti di essa.
Per avere successo dobbiamo invece cooperare. Dobbiamo avere coscienza che la nostra prosperità è intimamente legata alla prosperità di coloro che ci stanno attorno.
We must understand that sharing a sense of belonging to the society around us is an essential part to resolve common problems.
short, it is not enough talk about the rules of democracy, which occupies the daily political debate, but there is a strong urgency of the reconstruction of public ethics. The public ethics
perimeter area of \u200b\u200bsharing, common civil loyalty, and holds fixed the terms of the covenant in which we strive to shape our collective forms of life and common institutions within which to pursue our different goals, ideals or interests.
But such ideas of public ethics can not arise from a profound statement a culture of individual responsibility, greater consciousness of the individual to a community of free men.
need to work on this route, to bring them all to take an active part in social life, to make all the taste and the sense of politics, to regenerate, in the collective motion of a renaissance, new circuits for the selection of the ruling classes.
The Left can not, even in the beginning of this new millennium, do not combine the traits of an ethics policy for the values \u200b\u200bof our cultural tradition that, despite the distortions and trade-offs in its history, remain strong and valid.
The context, however, has changed radically.
Freedom is more fragile than ever and requires new forms of expression and protection.
issues of social justice which recall the great value of equality, against unilateral exaltation of the freedom that comes down, sometimes to a conception of society that makes it a pure space of survival of people abandoned to their "capacity" of a state "minimum" to ensure that only the formal correctness of the race as if the starting positions were the same individual and the possibilities were the same for everyone.
task of the left must be the recognition and appreciation of differences, but when the differences become status, definitive for life, you create social divisions and inequalities intolerable.
So the Left is to express the ability to elevate the disadvantaged in a more egalitarian, that is as equal opportunities for self-fulfillment and well-being, political influence and social status. But today, the equality is to include other concepts such as race, culture and gender; reborn in new forms as the need for justice, as well as take new forms the right to work, as well as new applications grow, the knowledge, that of services that work.
Consequently, the brotherhood has to leave room for broader forms of solidarity. Environmental concerns have become an integral part di ogni politica e i bisogni dei posteri devono essere tenuti in considerazione ogni qual volta si prende una decisione.
Le ragioni della Sinistra vivono in una idea dello sviluppo che contiene dentro se stesso, nell’atto in cui si svolge, i meccanismi di regolazione per non distruggere le fonti della vita, per impedire le diseguaglianze più gravi, quelle che si perpetuano nel tempo.
Valori e idee devono essere per noi ancora alla base delle scelte politiche, che altrimenti sarebbero esclusivo dominio dei tecnocrati. Valori e idee danno forma ad un movimento politico e danno significato al suo programma.
Ha davvero ragione Norberto Bobbio nell’affermare che fino a che vi saranno uomini il cui impegno politico è mosso da un profondo sense of dissatisfaction and suffering in the face of evil in contemporary society, they take in life the ideals that have marked more than a century all the grim history.
Benjamin Constant - a father of liberalism - weaving the praise of personal freedoms, private, warned against the risk that "absorbed by our privacy and independence in the pursuit of our interests, we can too easily give up our right to participate political power. " Are requested not to leave politics - means to give happiness to the people - in the hands of "authorities" as well as they would like. A century later, echoed the writer Paul Valéry once mischievously called politics - that of those in power - as the "art of preventing people to deal with what concerns him." Against that kind of politics, a whole tradition of thought, from Aristotle to Hannah Arendt, has proposed a policy of participation, a policy which does not just search for the goal and purpose, but that needs to 'sense' , just as Arendt writes: "Understood in this way - and only then - not the policy may not be the concern of every free man."

National Coordination SD

Saturday, March 7, 2009

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The left that we want: values, social justice, building the future

is often said that the left there but it is more necessary than ever before. Maybe so, but surely it is essential to say what you want to do and why it is not enough to define themselves and there are no words of history that can magically fix the problem.
The political and cultural identity must be put to the test in the only way possible, ie in the concrete ideas and proposals to overcome the crisis and rebuild the country.
An ambitious task within a period of capitalism marked by a global crisis. There can be no reasons left not to this level is what we do.
We certainly have a reference and inspiration in the left in Italy and in Europe has looked a great prospect for freedom and democracy in solidarity. But if there are clear
cultures and traditions from which we come, we must look to where we want to go at a very difficult and hard, during which it is urgent to rethink the left as a useful tool in the face of accelerating change and seeing the world in constant motion, trying to give new answers to citizens' needs.
not resign ourselves to the victories of the center, we do not accept logic equidistance between Confindustria and the union. We want to build a political force that speaks to the work that is self-employed person, precarious, "manual" or "cognitive" which talks about gender gendered, environmental, social and civil rights, common goods, public space, migration , social justice, freedom and peace, who turns his gaze again to the great theme of equality.

The crisis offers us the opportunity and the need to rethink the economy, for a proposed environmental and social development of qualitative, equitable development, is great. Subject to general views on the possible but also practical attempts, plans minutes, men and women players in the newspaper. These are good practices, their enhancement and extension, the best food for the journey for those wishing to engage effectively in opposition to the right, build alliances and make a proposal new credibility of government of the country.

An extensive project, huge for our individual strength, but not for those who are currently scattered in the area whose boundaries kept the identity of the left. It 's a real one that we intend to undertake, outside the fence of membership became too narrow to provide an adequate response.
A research and a challenge, that of a synthesis between the cultures of innovation socialist, communist, environmentalism and the women's movement. Of
certainly there is that we need to move today, now.

Freedom, equality and equal opportunity, difference: they are the fundamental values \u200b\u200bfor the left today, for which political commitment and action in public administration.

Freedom of the people, their forms of expression and association, to decide their lives, studies, work, feelings, relationships.
Under the Constitution, born of the Resistance, City, Province, Region, State shall ensure freedom, including whether the secular state, established by that Constitution: therefore they should not support this or that orientation cultural, ethical, social, sexual, religious, but they must ensure that each / in the possibility of selecting their own life plan giving concrete at all / and means of realization.

equality between people and equal rights should mean equal opportunity, equal dignity and equal opportunities for all the citizens.
Our common commitment must be to hold together the civil rights and social rights to build an "inclusive society" that respects the role of women but also give concrete answers to the children, the elderly and the "new" subject of citizenship, which say in the first place immigrati, omosessuali, giovani .

Differenza: mai come adesso è chiaro che le diversità costituiscono un accrescimento per la società tutta.
Per valorizzare concretamente questa risorsa pensiamo sia necessario accettare e valorizzare le diversità, per trovare insieme punti di condivisione e consentire un confronto alla pari, ciascuno con la propria cultura, le proprie idee, la propria esperienza di vita.


Nella nostra vita di tutti i giorni sentiamo ormai il peso della crisi economica. I lavoratori precari sono stati i primi a subire il colpo ma l’aumento enorme della cassa integrazione, il rallentamento dell’industria, la closure of companies are spreading.
The more affected individuals have-nots: increased homelessness, the s singles who are struggling to make ends meet, elderly women and elderly who live alone with the minimum pension and the immigrant and migrant workers (with or without permission) who can not find the minimum of subsistence. The crisis is too heavy for the middle class, which is particularly high in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bMilan: the work and income are also being discussed for so many skilled workers, technicians and managers of high professional level. The crisis can not be paid by whom - not having the resources - would do without the indispensable, and for this we need a special plan di interventi a sostegno delle condizioni di reddito e di vita dei cittadini a maggiore rischio di impoverimento.
Ma a tutto questo si è pensato di rispondere evitando di assumere misure concrete e producendo una lacerante spaccatura nel movimento sindacale con la firma dell’accordo separato sul modello contrattuale che la CGIL ha giustamente rifiutato e attaccando direttamente il diritto di sciopero. Si è colpita frontalmente la scuola pubblica, la formazione, la ricerca, negandoci una parte di futuro mentre sciaguratamente si sperperavano almeno 6 miliardi di euro, tra l’abolizione totale dell’ICI, la detassazione degli straordinari e la follia dell’Alitalia.
Anche solo per questo il governo dovrebbe essere mandato a casa, incapace di individuare risorse a sostegno del reddito, del lavoro, del welfare, mediante, in primo luogo, una seria lotta contro l'evasione fiscale e contributiva.
Contemporaneamente, nonostante la decrescita incontrollata e infelice, le emissioni derivanti da combustibili fossili sono ancora eccessive e insostenibili. Non ci sarà futuro senza risparmio energetico, riduzione delle emissioni e utilizzo delle energie rinnovabili in ciascuna scelta amministrativa e in ciascuna iniziativa economica.
La sinistra è quella forza politica che mette al primo posto l'equità sociale insieme alla sostenibilità: se sostenere chi vive le difficoltà maggiori è un basilare fattore di solidarietà, questo sostegno è tanto più robust as solidarity is linked to concrete political general, who look to the interests and needs of the productive part of the country.
Local governments should be a point of reference against the crisis: the local authorities have been many of the center (for example, the Province of Milan with an allocation of € 25 million).
We are committed to the revitalization of social policies, education and support to people in need - children and elderly in the first place, including contributing all the necessary steps to free municipalities from the absurd restrictions of the Stability Pact.
At the same time, we propose that municipalities and provinces are committed - even the use of private resources - per un piano straordinario di manutenzione delle città, dai trasporti alla casa, dai servizi pubblici all’ambiente, perché questi investimenti producono al tempo stesso lavoro e risanamento delle condizioni concrete della vita quotidiana.
E invece continua nel Paese la disfida della paura, una spirale ove un pacchetto sicurezza prepara soltanto il successivo, se possibile, peggiore. Ove la distruzione del welfare residuo viene riempita dal diritto penale. Occorrono ed esistono strategie alternative, ove la sicurezza di ciascuno procede con quella di tutti. Un orizzonte molto distante dalle proposte di istituzione delle ronde provenienti da settori del centrosinistra.
Basterebbe guardare alla legislazione attualmente in vigore sui migranti o a those on drugs such as shining examples of ineffective and counterproductive rules.
The design of the Expo should be significantly revised in the context of changing economic conditions and policies for integrated redevelopment of the area. For this reason we say that the center is not up to the task: the strategic weakness, the weight of highly visible financial and real estate interests. Even for the Expo we introduce ourselves as a viable alternative and necessary.


There is a left that is in Milan. Make one together in a way that addresses real problems and people's lives. That affirms and promotes co-existence as a value, civil rights as an essential part of citizenship. Next to a transformation that is not satisfied with "off these attacks." A left of the less sad.
who choose work as a field of its action, culture as an engine of development rights as an affirmation of civilization that is, the public ethics to secure the general, the secular state as a principle of the law governing the common life.
A mix that left the signs and seeds of most political cultures to make a different language, a curious look on things of this life and this world.
This reasoning can also be left which stage of local elections within a single project that can turn their gaze away, to the next.
In municipalities there is life every day, there are the interest and participation of citizens is the foundation of a democracy closer to them. In municipalities, the Province and resumed under democratic representation.

submit lists of the Left for municipalities over 15,000 people and for the Province of Milan to build a new left that defeat, with other forces (the signs do not scare us or alliances) a right incapable of addressing the crisis in Italian and subordinate special interests.
choices in alliances of local government, compared to which the proceedings will have on the work done in these five years by municipalities and the province most of which have had positive results that we too have contributed. It should be cohesion and sharing of government programs, programs that must be highly innovative and focused on the future, that the foundation work, equity and the extension of social rights must be the guide for the five years that will open. It also means a guarantee in terms of public ethics - choices, methods, behaviors - and innovation through the extension of democratic participation procedures for administrative decisions.
The placement of this left, the administrative project, my classmates street, are the product of a participatory process in formation of a force and motion that makes democracy and collegiality of decisions his character founding.

It invites all the citizens of Milan and the Province to participate in the

PUBLIC MEETING To be held March 14, 2009

10-16 hours at the Teatro della Cooperativa, Via Hermada 8

to discuss, confront, to participate , join

to sign the appeal:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

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Event October 8

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Meeting March 6

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Subject: MOTION: "Piano Energy "

City Council President Al
San Giuliano Milanese

the Councillors the Mayor Municipal Hall
The Secretary

Subject: MOTION: "Energy Plan"

The City Council of San Giuliano Milanese

Given that:
• in 1987 the Italian people has called for a referendum on the end of nuclear power generation in our country;
• in the world, while Since many active nuclear power plants, the percentage of energy produced remains: small (6.4%), expensive (compared to other sources), via depletion (due to the limited size of the uranium fuel), even after
• 1987, accidents were frequent, remain intact and dangerous environmental impacts (particularly consumption and waste water), the risks to public safety and the uncertainties about disposal of radioactive waste, some are increases cost uranium;
• after 1987 in the world other countries have closed plants, reduced or canceled programs with new construction, while still great risks of proliferation of nuclear weapons and terrorist acts;
• Italy after 1987 was not equipped with a coherent national energy master plan to replace nuclear and fossil fuels with efficiency measures and policies to savings, for renewable and efficient choice for the transition;
• after 1987, however, many regions have adopted regional energy and environmental disregard completely the possible contribution of nuclear energy and consider the priority and investment rules to promote savings and efficiency in energy consumption, renewable and efficient technologies for energy production, with systems, networks, initiatives already successfully undertaken in the area;
• after 1987 increased the consumption of land that would make it virtually impossible to locate, however democratically a nuclear site with suitable conditions far from their homes, security, transparent management;
• Nuclear energy production is not exempt from the emission of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate is altering for the extraction of fuel, both for the construction of the plant, and in other phases of management;

The City Council of San Giuliano Milanese
urges Regione Lombardia:
a) operate in the relevant institutional pronouncements to remain valid, the referendum of 1987 and throughout the country;
b) encourage the adoption of a national energy plan by 2009 based on renewables and savings, developing policies sufficiently widespread in the territory.

The unavailability of the municipal territory of any procedures for the identification of suitable sites to the activation of nuclear plants;

The Town Council
• At present, directly Genia spa or through the company, policies and measures for efficiency, saving and the use of renewable sources for all the city's public utilities;
• To promote, in agreement with all the cultural institutions and environmental land, a large information and cultural action to protect the environment and reducing CO2 emissions.

local councilors
Virginio Bordoni
Angelo Castaldo

San Giuliano Milanese them, 2:12:08.

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Subject: Living Will

The Chairman of the Mayor City Council

For Municipal Councillors
the Municipal Secretary


Subject: Living Will

The City Council
of San Giuliano Milanese


its sympathy to the family Englaro for the painful end of a long and difficult journey undertaken by them con grande umanità e consapevolezza del valore della vita e della dignità della persona;

auspica che

nel rispetto reciproco delle diversità di opinioni culturali o delle convinzioni religiose, tutti sappiano comprendere che le proprie convinzioni non possono essere imposte ad altri e che la libertà personale e la laicità dello Stato sono principi fondamentali della nostra Costituzione;

respinge e denuncia che

- con la loro proposta di “testamento biologico” il Governo Berlusconi e la maggioranza di centro-destra vogliono imporre principi religiosi, pur degni del massimo rispetto quali personal choices, which affect the fundamental rights of citizens, that they are believers or secular;

- a violation of this fundamental principle of the Italian Constitution is of such gravity, as has been authoritatively written, which makes it impossible to that this weak point will not be remedied with the approval of a text that respects the Constitution, any possibility of amending it by a government that violates easily;

called on the Government

- to do hear the voice of this determination by the City Council directed the adoption of a law on "living wills" that, in respect of the secular state and religious or cultural beliefs of the individual, contains simple rules for the registration of the choices of the person concerned and some essential principles, such as:
  • free choice about advance directives for the final stages of their lives;
  • an indication of a guardian to represent the will of the patient no longer able to communicate;
  • the possibility of withdrawal of a forced and invasive therapeutic interventions;
  • the inclusion of forced hydration and nutrition among personal choices that can be accepted or rejected;

- to ensure that regional public services are always able to guarantee people their rights and their will as protected by the Constitution and the laws or Italian European checking if any "conscientious objection" by the staff comply with the Italian and European legislation;

- to intervene in every home and in the Conference of State to oppose firmly and without hesitation to every choice denies the fundamental principles of the Constitution.

local councilors
Virginio Bordoni
Angelo Castaldo